The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) is a part of the Victorian Department of Government Services. As a part of this department, the DSCV is governed by the normal rules, regulations and complaints procedures that apply to all government bodies.

Whether you have a complaint about a Dispute Assessment Officer, a Mediator or other staff member, the steps to take are the same.

Making a verbal complaint

Any complaints about the service you have received from DSCV should first be directed to the person you have dealt with. That staff member will discuss the complaint informally with you and try to resolve it. 

If you are reluctant to speak to that person or they are unable to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction, you will be given the opportunity to speak to their Manager.

Making a written complaint

If you wish to put your complaint in writing, you can email us at (External link) or write to:

Senior Manager
Dispute Settlement Centre Victoria
GPO Box 4356
Melbourne VIC 3001

You will receive a written acknowledgement within 3 working days of receipt of your complaint.

What happens next

The Manager of the relevant staff member or Senior Manager, DSCV will contact you to discuss your complaint. They will also take whatever steps are necessary to try to resolve your complaint. This may include:

  • reviewing the file,

  • discussing the matter with the relevant staff member,

  • discussing the matter with other members of staff.

While attempts will be made to resolve your complaint informally, DSCV will also send you a formal written response to your complaint within 20 working days. If there is any reason for a delay DSCV will contact you and advise when you can expect a response and the reason for the delay.

Formal resolution

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the process, you can write to:

The Chief Dispute Resolution Officer
Dispute Services

Regulation Policy and Dispute Services

Department of Government Services 
222 Exhibition Street

Melbourne, VIC 3000

You should include in your letter

  • the reason for your original complaint

  • your view of the outcome of the DSCV complaints process

  • what you are seeking by way of resolution

The Chief Dispute Resolution Officer will review your complaint and what happened. The Chief Dispute Resolution Officer will respond to you in writing within 20 working days of receipt of your complaint.

Ombudsman Victoria

If you are still unsatisfied with the result of the complaint process, you can contact Ombudsman Victoria (External link).

This office investigates complaints made against government departments.